Business Opportunity for Professionals like Doctors,Life Science and Pharma graduates. INDIA is becoming a hub for Clinical Research; the demand for professionals in this field is growing rapidly. There will soon be a massive demand for clinical Research professionals, making it an interesting career option with massive growth potential. Clinical research Industry is all set to become the next big thing in India.
Health Sciences Education, Training and Skill Development Job Oriented Programs offer attractive opportunities for the entrepreneurs who are looking for the Business Opportunity in the education or health industry. Indian healthcare industry is US$100 billion and is growing at 20% annually. As a result of the positive changes in the business environment. Income growth, demand for quality health services, increase in government supported healthcare programs, growth in health insurance, and new healthcare investments by large corporate.
There is significant growth in pharmaceutical and life sciences industry outsourcing in the areas like clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, clinical data management. Medical & scientific writing, biostatistics, SAS, drug regulatory and other related domains. Outsourcing in this sector is already over US$1 billion and growing at 25% per annum.
Indian healthcare insurance industry is US$1.5 billion and growing at 25% per annul. All these sectors are offering significant job opportunities each year, where employers require workforce with special skills. Conservative estimate is about 75,000 professionals each year in the area of healthcare services. Pharmaceutical & life sciences and health insurance companies require skilled workforce.
Most of the skills required in this sector are not part of the standard University graduate or post graduate curriculum. Hence, professionals seeking jobs in this sector require special professional and skill development programs.
Professionals required in this sector must have graduate or post graduate qualification in medicine, medical, dental, homeopathic, Ayurveda, physiotherapy, pharmacy, pharmacology, nursing, biotechnology, life sciences, bio chemistry, microbiology, bio informatics and other related qualifications.
In addition, they must have necessary skill / professional development program in the field of clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, clinical data management, SAS, biostatistics, or the software like Oracle Clinical and Oracle Argus Safety.