your free 3 attempts excused. For more chance to clear this online exam you need buy this course and fee is: 1699/- indian rupees and this fee is included with certification
Respected sir, I have buy this course and got certificate also but still i am not able to attempt test. I want to improve my score, please help regarding to this.
sir i was not able to finish my test in last attempt because my internet connection was slow and by mistake i clicked on next unit please guide me
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I didn’t clear the test, how i will get further chance to reattained the test
your free 3 attempts excused. For more chance to clear this online exam you need buy this course and fee is: 1699/- indian rupees and this fee is included with certification
Respected sir, I have buy this course and got certificate also but still i am not able to attempt test. I want to improve my score, please help regarding to this.
As you requested, 3 more attempts has been increased for online examination